Terms of Use



Thank you for choosing the services provided by Coor Service Management Group AB. The subject of these Terms of Use (“Terms of Use”) is the creation and use of a central user account, Coor ID (hereafter referred to as "Coor ID").

These Terms of Use also govern the processing of personal data which takes place when you use Coor ID for the services from time to time connected to Coor ID (the “Services”, each individually a “Service”), as well as Coor Service Management Group AB’s processing of the personal data handled within Coor ID.

Coor ID is provided by Coor Service Management Group AB, Reg No 556739-7665, (“Coor” or “we”).

You can use your Coor ID to log into numerous Services. Coor ID offers you as a user simple and secure login. When you have created a Coor ID, you can log in to all the Services using the same login details and move between the Services while logged in, that is without needing to log in again when you visit a new Service.

Please note that specific terms and conditions apply to most of the Services. These special terms and conditions govern the conditions for your use of the relevant Service and the additional processing of personal data that takes place within the scope of the Service. The special terms and conditions may be presented to you when you are about to use a Service and, in certain cases, you may need to approve such special terms and conditions to be able to use a Service. For example, when ordering goods, you might have to accept special terms and conditions regarding cancellation or payment.

In case of any discrepancy between these Terms of Use and the special terms and conditions for a Service, the special terms and conditions take precedence in relation to the use of the specific Service.

We encourage you to read these Terms of Use carefully. These Terms of Use may be updated from time to time. We will let you know when we make any significant changes to the Terms of Use that require your consent.


Our Privacy Policy explains how we treat your personal data and how we protect your privacy when you use Coor ID and the Services.

Privacy Policy for Coor ID

Coor ID

Registering Coor ID

You must register a Coor ID to access those Services that require login. All information you provide in connection with your registration must be correct.

When you register your Coor ID, you must provide information about your email address. When you use a Service while logged in with your Coor ID, the provider of the Service will get access to the information about you that is registered in Coor ID.

Logging in with Coor ID

With your Coor ID, you will remain logged in and can move between Services that use Coor ID without needing to log in again; auto-login. Auto-login means that while you are logged into your Coor ID, when you visit a new Service that use Coor ID, you will automatically be logged in to the Service with your Coor ID. Please note that the Services you use will have access to your Coor ID profile data when you use Coor ID to log in.

To assume any commercial obligations related to a Service, you will be specifically asked to accept the special terms and conditions for that Service in addition to these Terms of Use.

Your login details

Your Coor ID is personal, and you are responsible for all activity that takes place through use of your Coor ID. If anyone obtains access to your login details, they may be used to order services or products in your name. Therefore, it is important that you keep your login details safe so that they do not fall into the wrong hands.

If you know or have reason to suspect that anyone else has access to your login details, you should immediately change your login details.

You are personally responsible for logging out of your Coor ID and for ensuring that your computer, phone, or other device is not left unsupervised while you are logged in.

Closing your Coor ID

You can terminate or close your Coor ID at any time. Note, however, that use of the Services or parts of the Services may require that you have an active Coor ID. This means that you will no longer have access to those Services or parts of Services if you terminate your Coor ID. Contact us by sending an email to digital.support@coor.com to close your Coor ID.

Use of your Coor ID

Lawful use

You are responsible and liable for ensuring that all use of your Coor ID and the Services takes place in accordance with these Terms of Use, the special terms and conditions for the relevant Services, as well as applicable law and generally accepted practices.

Violating these Terms of Use

If it transpires that your Coor ID has been used in violation of these Terms of Use or the special terms and conditions for a Service, or where Coor has reasonable cause to believe that such violation has taken place, Coor reserves the right to shut down or temporarily block your Coor ID immediately and without prior warning.


Your Coor ID may from time to time be wholly or partially inaccessible due to system maintenance or other reasons. However, under no circumstances will Coor be liable for any consequences or damage resulting from your inability to use your Coor ID in the intended manner.

Intellectual Property Rights

Coor, or Coor’s licensor, holds the intellectual property rights to text, images, designs, and other material and information made available through your use of Coor ID and to the underlying program code for Coor ID. Such material and information may not be used in any manner other than within the scope of normal use of your Coor ID.

You are responsible for ensuring that any material (text, images, video, music, and so on) that you make available through your Coor ID and/or the Services does not violate any third party intellectual property rights and that it does not violate any statute or general accepted practice. For example, the material itself and making it available should not violate copyright or trademark law.

Changes in Coor’s offering

Coor may, at any time and without prior notice, decide to discontinue Coor ID or replace Coor ID with a different login solution. In such case, Coor reserves the right to terminate your Coor ID, which will take place after you have received information about such termination. Information may be given through notice to your registered email address.


You hereby approve that the agreement you have entered into with Coor by accepting these Terms of Use may, without your consent, be assigned to another company which is wholly or partially, directly or indirectly, owned by Coor Service Management Group AB, or to a third party in connection with an asset sale or business sale which includes Coor ID.

Governing law and dispute resolution

If you are domiciled within Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Estonia or Belgium these Terms of Use and your use of your Coor ID are governed by the laws of the country where you are domiciled. Unless otherwise prescribed by law, disputes relating to these Terms of Use shall be adjudicated by a local court of general jurisdiction.

If you are domiciled outside of the above-mentioned countries these Terms of Use and your use of your Coor ID are governed by the laws of Sweden. Unless otherwise prescribed by law, disputes relating to these Terms of Use shall be adjudicated by Swedish courts with the district court of Stockholm as the first instance.

How to contact us

If you have questions or comments about these Terms of Use, please contact us by sending an email to digital.support@coor.com.